Extension and Alteration, near Linlithgow
We have been working with builders Hutton and Read on this lovely house near Linlithgow. The old single storey wing has been consolidated and extended up to form a new two storey wing, in keeping with the adjacent farm buildings. New bedrooms, work spaces, living rooms and shower rooms are linked with an oak stair as well as new connections to the old house.
New House, Isle of Arran
The new house at Corriecrave is now almost complete and work is underway on the external landscape and snagging. We hope to be able to show more complete images soon.

New House, Dollar
Among the Consents obtained in 2020 was both Planning and Building Warrant for a new house in Dollar. Work is already underway on the challenging site but the steep slope has enabled us to link a traditional cottage form with a south-facing contemporary living space.

Linhouse Cottage
Work began on Linhouse Cottage in Summer 2020. The original house was completely destroyed as a result of a catastrophic fire and the new, much improved property, will be complete in early 2021.